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Mohamed Amra: Gérald Darmanin hopes to return to France “in less than ten days”

Mohamed Amra: Gérald Darmanin hopes to return to France “in less than ten days”
By Le Figaro with AFP


Gérald Darmanin, Minister of Justice. François Bouchon / Le Figaro

The Minister of Justice hopes for the return of the assailant Mohamed Amra as quickly as possible, "I hope in a few hours, in a few days, in less than ten days."

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Justice Minister Gérald Darmanin said he hoped Mohamed Amra would return to France in "less than ten days" during a trip to Annemasse ( Haute-Savoie ) on Monday 24 February.

"I hope that in a few hours, in a few days, in less than ten days, since Romania has given its agreement for Mr. Amra's return to France, we will be able to present him before French magistrates," declared Gérald Darmanin.

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